Rebecca Hyde

About Me

10 years ago, I embarked on the world of competitive bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is essentially one gigantic yo-yo diet after another. You eat to gain weight and put on muscle, then you go into a caloric deficit to lose the fat and show off the muscle you built. Once that season is done, you do it all over again. Over and over and over. Of course, people around me were witnessing the transformations, and were curious. I don't mind all the questions. Over the years I’ve happily written down a lot of plans and shared a lot of recipes. Through this sharing process, I’ve learned a lot about people and why they don’t achieve their goals.

Lack of knowledge is part of it. I get these people. When I was in college, I went on a diet where I only ate cream of broccoli soup and sandwiches. I was so strict. The discipline I had was riveting! I was so sick of cream of broccoli, but I dug deep and still ate it. Guys, I had no clue, I was probably eating 1,000 calories a meal!

While I generally knew what a calorie was, I clearly didn’t understand the big picture. I hadn’t done one lick of research. I relied entirely on the messaging that food packages gave me. "Fat Free", "Multi Grain", "Keto".....I fell for all of it. I was pounding fat free sour patch kids thinking I was going to wake up the next day with a 6 pack. I was blindly hoovering buckets of calories and felt like complete garbage along the way. Many of you fall into this same category. You don’t really know where to start. The package says it’s good for me, so it must be true, right?

It wasn’t until I started bodybuilding that the concept of macro tracking entered my life. When I finally understood macros, I could easily see how the food I was eating was impacting my body, how I felt and how I performed. The best part, and the part I am most excited to share with you, is that I am rarely hungry, I have energy, I can lean down AND I still eat the foods I love. It's not magic my friends, it's good old-fashioned fact-based fitness.