It doesn’t matter whether you’re an absolute beginner or working out is second nature for you, my programs can help you reach your next fitness goals and feel the confidence you deserve. 

I'm Thanittha Green

Throughout my many years of the love for fitness , I’ve educated and supported many women in their heath and fitness journeys! As a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I’ve made it my personal mission to help as many women as possible to achieve their ideal level of fitness and to feel more confident and happy!
You will be provided with a program designed and personalized for you, my clients have been able to make permanent and sustainable changes to both their mindset and lifestyle.

My programs are flexible, so you can choose whether you want to workout at home or in the gym! You’ll learn how to train to increase your fitness and strength through regular workouts. My programs also grow with you, so you’ll always be progressing.
This program includes workouts and nutrition, using macro nutrition guidelines, and learning about a flexible diet. You will feel comfortable with the food choices in your daily life.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re an absolute beginner or working out is second nature for you, my programs can help you reach your next fitness goals and feel the confidence you deserve.

I believe in building relationships between clients. I truly care about my clients and their goals. There is nothing more important to me than helping somebody go through an experience that makes them happy and have a better sense of well-being. I will be there to give extra support and encouragement throughout your fitness journey. Join me and make your health and fitness goals a reality.

As a wife and mother of two young boys, I know creating the time for fitness can be difficult. But I promise while you commit to your fitness goals, you will feel better as have more energy for the family when they need you.

A healthy Iifestyle to me is more than lifting weights and eating healthy. It’s all about enjoying life while doing things you love also making sure your body also gets the rest and sleep it needs. I enjoy showing others what their bodies are capable of doing with hard work. Let me help you in this journey of a healthier well-balanced lifestyle .



+1 541 393 4506


Bend Oregon
